LOST Fan Fiction - DarkUFO

Hiya, first time in doing this - over the hiatus I've decided to start an interactive 'trail' style fanfic, which will involve videos, blogs, picture galleries etc., starting at the video I've linked to above. The story will be developed over the next few months (slowly, but progressively), and to start getting involved simply watch the vid and read the comment - if you wanna get involved and follow the story, just subscribe to the channel and wait for more additions and clues to the story...

It's based around the disappearance of an English technician back in 2000 - but how is he connected to The Island, and ultimately the show? Keep 'em peeled. ;) Like I said, first time doing this, so any suggestions/comments/criticism is accepted willingly!

email: aftersix@veryspeedy.net

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