LOST Fan Fiction - DarkUFO

A Poem for LOST by Natali

Twas’ the week before LOST, The best show on earth
Where fans gathered on Dark UFO
Spoilers were read, and some couldn't stop
Others stayed away; they didn't want their jaws yet to drop

Many theories written with a mission
To really inspire people with their vision
Positive and negative comments all around
Starting discussions and joining the crowd

Jaters and Skaters always worked up
But this is the last season, so kiss and make up
Suliets scorned wondering what now
for the blond's last scene was a one big wow

Losties, others, tailies and more
some of the groups we've come to adore
hatches, numbers, and rooms we've all seen
and an ageless man who may hold the key

time traveling bunnies, bears, and boars
all on this island which was never been seen before
Frozen donkey wheels and flashes of light
all this is happening because of one certain flight

Smokey, MIB, Flocke or unlock
Are they one entity or are we in for a shock?

Questions we have to be answered outright
Did the bomb explode or do they now see the light?

September 22, 2004
is one of those days that will never be ignored
48 people survived and assembled
some of them will just have to be remembered
4 8 15 16 23 42
what are these numbers and what will they do
Speculating and theorizing all of us here
Waiting impatiently to watch the premier
Who will win the battle for the right?
It’s a game of two players, dark vs. light
And even though progress was made
It only ends once and it will all end this May

FEB 2ND, 2010

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