LOST Fan Fiction - DarkUFO

I want to start off by saying that this is only a joke, and I don't know of any plans for any Lost spinoff. But if there were one, here is an idea.

This is based off Season 6 episode “Recon.” First, I think Sawyer gets cooler and cooler everytime he is on the show. I'm a guy, but if I was in the Lost universe around Sawyer, I'd bet I'd be his sidekick, or lackey. I would follow him around saying stuff like "That's cool James!" or "You really showed them!" or "Way to foil that crime!" Kinda like the small dog following the big dog in those old kibbles & bits commercials. I'd probably call him "boss" too. He is way cool. He is my hero!

OK, so I loved Sawyer's flashsideways life in "RECON." The whole cop-partner drama was great, even though it was so cheesy and predictable. Did anyone else get the impression that they were watching an 80s cop show? So, here's my pitch for a Lost spin-off.

I posted this on the comcast forums originally on March 17, 2010.

Read "Hardcases! LOST Spinoff by Jonathan DeJesus"

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